Join teacher / designer Patty Lyons, Nina Chicago Owner Hilary Cerbin and GoSadi co-founder & event organizer Michele Costa for this meet up bringing teachers & designers & LYS owners together to candidly discuss ways to grow together. Don’t miss this great chance for LYS owners and managers to meet with designers and teachers in this hosted brainstorming session. We’ll dig into all the possibilities of virtual AND in person ways to incorporate designers, authors and teachers into your store.
This is a chance for LYS Owners to meet designers & instructors to explore ways to work together for growing their sales and communities.
Let’s discuss:
• We’ll explore (together) how to create amazing events that bring in customers
• How hosting classes can bring new customers into your store and introduce new customers to teachers / designers
• How do we bring our online communities in-store?
• How can we collaborate to host MALs and other community events for success of brick-and-mortar stores and designers?
• How can designers work with LYS owners to launch new patterns and drive traffic to both?
• What kind of pattern support can designers give LYS owners and vice versa?
5555 N River Rd
Rosemont, IL 60018
United States